Podcasting: The Next Big thing. How to subscribe and download to FREE audio content
Want to see how to use this feature the cool way?
Checkout the video for a step-by-step demonstration!
(And let me know if you experienced any difficulties)
What do the Pope and Paris Hilton have in common? They both have a Podcast.
Next Big Things don’t come along too often and those of you that know me may recall that my other company CyberCom created the first commercial Web site in Hawaii and I was very active in getting Hawaii to make the most out of that Big Thing called the Internet.
Well, I’m here to tell you about the Next Big Thing and while this one won’t be quite as earth-shattering as the Internet, it will completely change the way you listen to audio content and I’m not just talking about music. Drumroll please…
The Next Big Thing is "Podcasting" and it’s a new way to surf the Internet for audio content. A podcast is typically an mp3 recording of a radio-like show that’s available for you to download to your mp3 player. There are over 5000 different podcasts going on right now on just about any given topic you can think of. What makes podcasting different from just downloading mp3 files is the use of a free "podcatcher"application which lets you subscribe to your favorite podcasts. The podcatcher then checks those Web sites on a regular basis and automatically downloads any newly published audio content.
When you combine the podcatcher’s automated download feature with your existing mp3 player’s ability to synchronize files on your computer, the end result is that your mp3 player is automatically updated with the latest shows you asked for. You simply get up in the morning, disconnect your player, and off you go with your favorite audio in your ear. And if you consider yourself an uberGeek you can add on an FM transmitter to your mp3 player so that you can listen to your favorite Podcasts through your car stereo.
I’ve put together an introductory video that will get you started on subscribing and downloading to podcasts. If you have an mp3 player or if you play mp3s on your computer at work, you gotta see why I’m all excited. This truly really is the Next Big Thing. When you get everything hooked up, make sure you visit my new sites VoteHawaii.com and a completely redesigned YourComputerMinute.Com and download the podcasts I have waiting for you over there.
Let me know what you think!
Subscribe to the Podcast and automatically download new video and audio tips as they come!
Show notes (things I mention in the video):
i clicked on the video link which takes me to
it opens windows media player, but can’t play it. it gives me the following error:
Windows Media player cannot play the file because a network error occured. the server might not be available. verify that you are connected to the network and that your proxy settings are correct
also, the above box where it says Mail (will not be published). you should rename it to say Email.
I just had exactly the same problem as James:
“Windows Media player cannot play the file because a network error occured. the server might not be available. verify that you are connected to the network and that your proxy settings are correct”
it worked yesterday though, so I can only presume it is a server or database issue.