Don’t reply with “remove” in the subject line
Do you get unsolicited email (also known as SPAM) that says “If you would like to be removed from our list, please reply with the word REMOVE in the subject line”. Well you really want to be careful about replying because you may be creating even more spam for yourself. You see, most spammers use that technique to find out if you really exist. Once they know that, they sell your email address to other spammers. So when I get emails like that I generally ignore them. Now if I get repeated emails from the same source and I feel are reputable enough to respect my wishes, then I will send one of those remove requests. I’ve noticed that in almost every occasion when I don’t reply, I don’t get any repeat emails from unethical spammers. Follow this simple tip and you’ll keep spam in your musubi instead of your email inbox.
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