Google Hangouts easier, faster: no need Google+ or Gmail


I’m a huge fan of Google Hangouts and use them any time I need a video connection. Hangouts are fabulous for holding meetings where you want the face to face connection.  The only problem was that actually starting Hangout required  traversing a labyrinth of clicks.

That’s no longer the case. Now, you just go to and get started. Finally!

The only requirement is that you have a Google Account. You don’t need to have a Gmail address; you can register your existing email address as a Google account.

If you have the webcam hardware and haven’t tried videoconferencing, you don’t know what you’re missing. If you have used Google Hangouts in the past, it’s now easier than ever to start a Hangout.


Do it!

Confirmed: Media Center is Dead – Long Live Media Center on Xbox!


If you’ve been frustrated by the lack of Windows Media Center support on either the Xbox One or Windows 10, there is a solution apparently on the horizon and that is that the Xbox will be natively supporting something like it. Let’s hope we can still DVR our favorite shows. I was a big fan/user of Windows Media Center as a better, faster, cheaper DVR.

It’s true: Microsoft’s Gabe Aul confirmed this week that Media Center will not move forward to Windows 10.

Source: Confirmed: Media Center is Dead –

How secure is my data on Google Apps and Gmail?

Businesses are understandably and rightly concerned about the security of their data and even more so when that data is hosted in a nebulous “Cloud” – no pun intended.
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