visualize whirrled peas (sorry…
visualize whirrled peas (sorry, couldn’t help) RT @HawaiiRealty: Cherish Family, Friends, Positivity and World Peace…
visualize whirrled peas (sorry, couldn’t help) RT @HawaiiRealty: Cherish Family, Friends, Positivity and World Peace…
I didn’t know you were a fan of city hall 😉 RT @ericnakagawa: Going to the Zoo.
I’m tweeting again after a long hiatus. productivity plummeting as a result. why again am I doing this?
aren’t they the only ones that can? RT @gerGnesdunK: UNfollow @govlingle, @hsta, @boe, and @doe. Plz follow anyone who can fix this mess.
cool: a robot in your car to help you get around town better and faster.
Host your own Google Wave Servers. It’s so over for Microsoft. What was that about monopolies again?
Good overview of cost of iphone vs. mytouch vs. droid vs. palm
checking out how @biggovt has this cool scrolling open twitter feed widget on their page
clearly no laws on texting while driving over there! RT @AndyBumatai: 30 mpg!
ultimate geek/gamer frustration: here I have Forza 3 box in hand but can’t play!