Haven’t installed it. Still on…
Haven’t installed it. Still on the fence. RT @livehere last I heard they were still working out a lot of bugs. Howzit now ? 🙂
Haven’t installed it. Still on the fence. RT @livehere last I heard they were still working out a lot of bugs. Howzit now ? 🙂
For those who love LOST & Star Trek: http://bit.ly/VnLWB super creative.
talk about timing. Buddypress.org is WordPress + social networking. make your own facebook. i’m there.
Bye bye high tech investments RT @sopogy: House passes SB199 with language that will change the face of technology in Hawaii for the worse.
ok, you don’t have to ask me twice. Makapuu says “come and play”. I’m going. now!
twitter new feature: do a search, then “save” it.
absolutely gorgeous day is just asking me to take off and go surfing right now.
Maybe not to interfere w/ others? Friday off? RT @Scheopner why are the May Day events today? Why not tomorrow?
just in the audience. RT @riabaldevia: A pound of makeup, with all this UVA and UVB in Hawaii. Maybe performer?
Not only does the chick in front of me have a pound of makeup, I’m noticing tinsels in her hair. Girls rule?