Randy Roth drops a little bomb…
Randy Roth drops a little bomb on the crowd, speaking against pro govt “Value of Hawaii” http://ow.ly/45duV #becivil
Randy Roth drops a little bomb on the crowd, speaking against pro govt “Value of Hawaii” http://ow.ly/45duV #becivil
very cool. RT @CivilBeat: Hi @peterkay, thanks for tuning in! We’re live on our site here: http://ow.ly/45d9q #becivil
very cool. this was not on the cb home… RT @CivilBeat: “Broadcasting LIVE on Justin.tv”: http://j-tv.me/gSNGRx?l
earthquake/tremors are so freaky. we just had one on Oahu
tremor for sure. felt it in East htnl RT @hawaii: Yow. Earthquake in Iwilei? Or just a big passing truck?
omg tremor on Oahu!
Panos Prevedouros says Rail alternatives analysis wasn’t performed properly. join us LIVE, now. http://bit.ly/iijOUs
Panos Prevedouros says rail project won’t actually start for 1, maybe 2 years. join us LIVE, now. http://bit.ly/iijOUs
Join us NOW, LIVE, with guest Panos Prevedouros talking about key city issues http://bit.ly/iijOUs