Improved Google Drive Search is here

Google Drive/Apps users rejoice!  Search is improved. Just click on the dropdown in the Search box and you’ll see lots of new options, including the ability to separate searching of the file name vs. content in the file.

I still wish I could search within a folder only (for those of us still stuck in folder paradigms) but this is a marked improvement. Check it out.


Source: Google Drive Blog: Because it’s gotta be super easy to find your files

Google Docs get custom styles

Finally! You can now customize the headings, i.e. styles in your Google Docs. Here are the details. While most folks don’t use styles, this makes the tra

nsition away from Microsoft Word to Google Docs that much easier for those of us that do.

Open Google Docs for comments only.

One of the fantastic benefits of cloud computing is that applications can continually improve over time rather than the tradition “Word 2007, 2010”, rollout. Google Docs just added a handy new features that lets you share a document but just for commenting. This is perfect when you want feedback but no changes. Great concept!

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When the Cloud Goes Down, is it Really that Bad?

Just the other week, Google Docs went down for about an hour. For me, it happened at a really bad time and luckily I was able to copy and paste the content from an open Google Doc into a Microsoft Word doc and continue working. But there were thousands of other people that were acting like the world was coming to an end.

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