Using Microsoft Word for Outlining
Did you know that Microsoft Word has an awesome tool to help you create and organize new ideas? Most people use Word for typical word processing, but do you use its powerful outlining features? Hit the F1 key, look up “outlining”, and you’ll find a powerful tool that I use for a whole bunch of different reasons. Outlines help me create great documents by helping me transform raw ideas into well-structured thoughts. Anytime I need to take notes in a conversation, instead of using paper, I fire up a copy of Word in outline mode. I find that I can easily capture lots of ideas yet have the flexibility later to organize them into action plans. The best part is that since I entered my notes in Word to begin with I don’t have to worry about filing or losing paper! I know that if you check out outlining in Word, you’ll find a great tool waiting to help you work better and faster.