Thesaurus in Word

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Have you ever been at a loss for the right word when you write a letter? Did you know that your computer can help? Most people don’t know this, but Microsoft Word has a built-in thesaurus that can help you find the right word with just a click of the mouse. Best of all, it’s really easy to use. Just click on a word you want to change, then simply hold down the shift key and hit the F7 button. We also call this a Shift-F7. After you’ve done that a window will pop up with a list of other words you might use instead of the current one. Now here’s a Peter Kay pop quiz: If you need more help, what should you do? Hit the F1 key, right? RIGHT. Word’s thesaurus has become a valuable tool for me when I write and I’m sure it will work well for you to. Try it!

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