Speed up Browsing with Multiple Windows
Do you spend lots of time surfing the Internet? How would you like to increase your productivity by 2-3 times for free? One of the best ways to do that is by opening more than one web browser window at a time. By having several windows open, you can be working in one while the other one loads new pages. It also makes going back to previous screens many, many times faster and is perfect for navigating large, complex Web sites. Here’s how you do it: the next time you want to click on a link, use the right mouse button instead (we call this a right-click) and a menu will pop up. Click on the choice that says “open link in new window” or something to that effect and you’ll notice that a second window will open and show the new page, while the existing page will stay in your original window. Practice this technique because once you get the hang of it, you’ll be a “pro surfer” when it comes to the Web.