Do you listen to the entire greeting? Bypass it next time!
Here’s a simple tip and that we all know but rarely use and that is how to bypass the voicemail greeting. It’s a funny world we live in today but when you call someone it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll get their voicemail instead of the live person. Yet we still wait through to the long, drawn out greeting before we leave the message. You know, you don’t have for wait for that whole greeting message to play. Most voicemail systems today let you bypass the greeting by hitting the pound sign on your phone. I know for sure that my t-mobile service does. Next time you get someone’s voicemail (which will probably be the very next time you make a phone call) just try the bypass and hit the pound key. If it works right, you’ll immediately hear the beep. Then you can leave a long, drawn out message for the person who’s long, drawn out greeting you just bypassed.
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This does not work if the person uses CallerTunes. I tried pressing all the buttons, nothing works.