Automating repetitive tasks in Word or Excel
When you use software like Word and Excel, do you find yourself doing tedious, repetitive tasks that you wish the computer could do for you? If you’re thinking to yourself, “There’s got to be a better way”, well, there is and it’s called a “Macro”. Most people have never heard of macros yet they’re easy to learn and use. A macro is really just a recording of certain keystrokes that you get to play back anytime just by pressing a button. Say for example that you do a specific search and replace on most of your documents. Once you’ve turned that operation into a macro, you’ll be able to do it with only a single keystroke from now on. Macros are really easy to learn. Just hit the F1 key for online help and search for “macros”. Once you get the hang of it you will be freed from doing tedious, repetitive tasks ever again (well, when using word or excel anyway).
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