Perhaps not if you were one vo…

Perhaps not if you were one vote away from victory 🙂 RT @md4congress: @peterkay would it be asking too much, if I was asked you to move?

I’ll carefully choose candidat…

I’ll carefully choose candidate best aligned w/ my values 🙂 RT @lingle2012: Good idea Peter! #Aloha RT @peterkay: Voting Lingle, then? 🙂

It’s tough because we live in …

It’s tough because we live in a soundbite world. @Twirrim

Oh Dan get off the gun control…

Oh Dan get off the gun control issue. It’s so irrelevant in light of massive national problems to debate #hi02 @pbshawaii

I understand why you have all …

I understand why you have all candidates present but there are too many which have no chance so kills precious time #HI02

Voting Lingle, then? :) RT @Ri…

Voting Lingle, then? 🙂 RT @RichHalverson: Mazie if you more like Ed I vote you. Ed, if you more like Mazie I vote you. #HNNDebate

OK who is moving over to the #…

OK who is moving over to the #CD2 debate now on #PBS #hnndebate

would have been fun! RT @Adrie…

would have been fun! RT @AdrienneLaF: Case edges Hirono when it comes to debate skills. Imagine if Lingle were in the mix #hnndebate