Your Google can solve your Sud…

Your Google can solve your Sudoku

AT&T vs. Verizon iPhone Battle Shaping Up

Consumers are poised to get a nice improvement in price and quality as a result of competitive market pressures. Three stories (below) today summarize it for me. Bottom line: if you’re in the market for a smart phone, hold onto your hat until Verizon launches the iPhone (probably before end of Feb at latest) and closely review your options.

AT&T drops 3GS price to $49 [great for the kids]

Verizon Confident it’s got the Muscle for iPhone

ATT already attacking Verizon

Verizon iPhone Jonesers, here you go

It’s coming really, really close. Soon. very soon, Verizon users will have their iPhone. I’m curious about how this will impact the AT&T customers who typically hate the phone service. If Verizon can provide iPhone goodness with superior calling quality, AT&T is going to have a fight on their hands

Ah, the Verizon iPhone. In our bizarre careers as tech journalists, if there’s one question we’ve heard more than “When is Verizon getting the iPhone?” we can’t think of it. Also, outside the original rumors for the iPhone and iPad, we can’t think of another product so heavily teased by those in the know and those not in the know — though mostly by those not in the know.

Verizon iPhone Jonesers, here …

Verizon iPhone Jonesers, here you go

I commend @jilltokuda for givi…

I commend @jilltokuda for giving twitter a try for town hall approach. Always cool to try new things.

TY! RT @jilltokuda: @peterkay …

TY! RT @jilltokuda: @peterkay A: Great Q! I feel screening cmte will diffuse accountability, I don’t support one for the BOE process.

IMO: “yesterday’s status quo” …

IMO: “yesterday’s status quo” RT @jilltokuda: A: Ultimate accountability comes w/being able to vote out the Gov & Senators #askjill

Stuff on Oahu for free: http:/…

Stuff on Oahu for free: @AlohaBruce: Classic Hawaii attractions can be yours for free

I count only 3 #askjill questi…

I count only 3 #askjill questions so far for @jilltokuda …hopefully we’ll do better than Apo’s special election voter turnout %

The con. ammendment was to cre…

The con. ammendment was to create more BOE accountability. @jilltokuda will a screening cmte create more or less accountability? #askjill