Excellent review of the righte…

Excellent review of the righteousness of recent Supreme Court ruling on free speech. http://bit.ly/55wQMc

Date for Windows Mobile 7 TBA….

Date for Windows Mobile 7 TBA. Does anyone care anymore? Poor Microsoft. http://bit.ly/8lQIvy

Netflix on Death Watch? http:/…

Netflix on Death Watch? http://bit.ly/5gubVm

you gotta be loving the contin…

you gotta be loving the continued vote splitting! RT @Djou4Hawaii: Welcome Dem. State Sen. Will Espero to the Cong race.

‘xactly. ctrl gets whole deskt…

‘xactly. ctrl gets whole desktop. RT @stuartthompson: I’ll throw in an Alt+PrtScr now and then to capture only the active window.

I use the PrtScn key; its buil…

I use the PrtScn key; its built-in. RT @CoachDeb: what do you use for your PC to capture screen shots, etc.

The American Revolution of the…

The American Revolution of the 21st Century is well underway. All incumbents are at risk.

Barney Frank does a very class…

Barney Frank does a very classy act and nicely kills healthcare reform as we know it: http://bit.ly/6texKg

OK all you Apple FanBoys and F…

OK all you Apple FanBoys and FanGirls: the tablet is coming on Jan 27th! http://bit.ly/7Y1j5Y

Tuesday, Jan 19 will be an ama…

Tuesday, Jan 19 will be an amazing day for all of America to watch. Will Massachusetts start yet-another revolution? Nail biter!