When was the last time you tested your backup by actually restoring files?
Aloha, I’m Peter Kay with Your Computer Minute. When was the last time you backed up your computer? Fairly recent, I’ll bet, at least I hope. But, when was the last time you tested restoring from a backup. I’ll bet that you’ve never done that, right? Folks, you’re flirting with disaster. Most of us feel real good about making backups but very few, if any of us have ever tested restoring from backup. Too many times I’ve seen people be very diligent about backups only to find out that when they really needed to restore it didn’t work and the result was a disaster. Don’t let this happen to you! If you’ve never tested restoring then you’ve never really backed up. Make sure you thoroughly test both your backups and your restores and only then can you rest easy. I’m Peter Kay with Your better safe than sorry Computer Minute, Aloha!
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