
The best way to monitor your kids’ online activity

[audio:ycm-parentControl.mp3] The best way is to watch over your kids! We pulled the computers out of the bedrooms and put them in one family room. The next best thing is to install parental control software that lets you monitor your kids no matter where they are. Road Runner subscribers can get it free.

If you’re not a Road Runner Subscriber, here’s link to Google via search keywords “Parental Control Software“.

Why do kids learn how to use their computers so quickly while we adults seem to have a hard time?

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Did you ever wonder why kids learn about computers so quickly while we adults seem to have a hard time? Contrary to popular belief, it’s not because our brains are too full of knowledge and have no more room to learn while children’s minds have lots of space. The real reason is attitude. When a child looks at a computer, they see a toy that they can’t wait to play with. When an adult sees a computer, they see more work ahead and are faced with feeling inadequate while learning new software. I can almost guarantee you that if you too saw your computer as a toy, you’d learn it just as fast as the kids do. Now, how can you do this? Go out, buy some games, install them on your PC, and start playing with it! In no time at all, you too will be a kid and you’ll see your computer in a whole new way.

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Parents: if your kids have their own computer at home here’s a way to make you the family hero by customizing their PC

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Aloha, I’m Peter Kay with your computer minute. Parents if your kids have their own computer at home here’s a way to make you the family hero by customizing their PC, in a really cool way, just for them. You see, Windows has this concept called Themes which allows you to completely tailor just about all aspects of look and feel, including, colors, sounds, cursors, wallpaper and backgrounds. Now what’s cool about these Themes is that there is a lot them on the Net that you can download and install for free. Now when you combine that with specialty mouse pads, mice and stickers you can turn that boring looking PC into a Pokemon PC, or a Barbie computer. Check out the “Websites for kids” links I’ve posted on to get you started. Your kids will love it and you’ll be the hero, at least for a day. I’m

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