
It’s OK if you’re doing Twitter wrong, so is mostly everyone else

It was gratifying to read this piece “Media companies and Twitter — still mostly doing it wrong” because it reinforces what I’ve been thinking about

social media execution for a long time: we’re all probably doing it wrong.

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Facebook is eating the web and perhaps your company

This is an amazing chart that confirms what we’re all experiencing: people are spending more time on Facebook than any other single website. This has massive implicatio

ns not just for Google, but for any marketer.

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Heroku Now the Default Choice for Facebook Cloud Services

I think this is a pretty big deal for Heroku. To be the exclusive (for now) provider of “Cloud Services” for Facebook is going to give them a monster advantage. Now connect that to Salesforce’s backend integration and you’ve got some serious potential horsepower to explode a whole new category of social enterprise applications that integrate your company’s backend with a Facebook frontend.

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