Excel Instead of a Calculator
When you are at your desk and you need to do a quick math calculation, I’ll bet you whip out your handy dandy desk calculator, right? Have you ever stopped to think of what a huge waste of money and resources that is? Why use a puny 5 function calculator when you’ve got a virtual supercomputer sitting on your desk? Next time use a spreadsheet instead! Why? For one, you can setup quick formulas that make recalculating many times faster than re-doing the whole thing on a calculator. Secondly, after you’ve done your spreadsheet calculations, you can easily email the results along with explanations to whoever else needs to see your work. Try that with a calculator. So get rid of all the calculators on your desk next time reach for a spreadsheet. It takes effort to break the old habit but I guarantee you’ll be glad you did.
Also, you might want to know that google has many basic functions built into the search bar. It also provides for a multitude of conversions.
http://www.google.com — try “3 x 5”, “pi * 2”, “(5.50 * 40 * 52) USD to Yen”
On a laptop computer the numbers are ordered in an inconvenient horizontal fashion making work on Excel more cumbersome and time consuming. This is the case for most business travelers. A calculator peripheral takes up too much room when traveling on the other hand. Any suggestions?
I’ve used my pocket PC running excel to bang out simple formulas and then xfer them to my PC